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(kyocera7135)-> 5:30pm submited by Russell Wed 09 Feb 05
Edited Thu 10 Feb 05
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battery at 10%
"low Battery" alarm pops up.
The "phone" does not shut down.

A few mintes lator I walked from the office where the is no
Cel service to the car, in the car I plugged the phone into
power, I herd the "I have power tone" and visual confermed
the unit was charging.

I attempted place a call. almost the moment I pressed send
the dispplay flashed on and off and then off agian. Then it
went blank. While the phone was still connected, no functions
on the palm would work. Even the keyboard was dead. ( as I
listen to the message telling me to punch in numbers)

Closeing the phone to hang up, also did not work. My only

option was to open the back and press the reset button.

The Palm rebooted, and to my supries did not nuke it's memory

a few moments lator I tried to place another call, this time to
the "activation number" ( keep in mind that the whole time
the phone was plugged into my car charger and getting power)

As soon as I placed the second call, the unit again locked up,
and required another press of the reset button.

This time I was greeted with the "click here/ click there" boot
screen which was folowed by the "performing required mantinance"
screen that is always folowed by zero state palm. ( all memory
erased, only the built in programs are instaled)

Now acording to this page The unit MIGHT lose it's data if "The battery is drained and goes without charging for more than three days. " This is just completly untrue.

I have had THREE DIFFRENT Kyocera 7135s in my possesion, and NONE OF THEM would retain the palm data for even an hour with a dead battery.
