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(linux_command_line)-> vsftp restrict access submited by Russell Fri 04 Mar 05
Edited Thu 09 Mar 06
Web kangry.com
I am converting to a new server for FTP from Redhat 7.x to Fedora Core 3. FC3 comes with vsftpd but not wu-ftpd. my old server was configured to use :the:
guestaccess *
setting in /etc/ftpaccess

this restricts access to each ftp user to only their home directory. ( they can't cd .. up to /home or higher )

well wu-ftpd is not includeded with FC3 , the latest rpm I could find is for Redhat 8 and will not install on FC3. The source will also not compile on newer installs.

Well it turns out that vsftpd does support an option like this.

In /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf , add the line: chroot_local_user=YES vsftpd FAQ
vsftpd start command
to start vsftpd (as root):
/etc/init.d/vsftpd start
to stop vsftpd (as root):
/etc/init.d/vsftpd stop
to have it start automaticly at boot(as root, remote login w/o xwindows):
down arrow until "system services" is selected
press enter
down arrow until on the vsftpd line
press space to set the [*] box next to the service
press tab until "OK" is selected
press enter
tab until "Quit" is selected
press enter
There are other more elgant ways to do this, but I find this to be the most trouble free method. Don't forget that this doesn't start the service until the next reboot, so start it manualy as above.
This should apply to All new versions of Redhat (FC4, RHEL 3,RHEL4) and other modern versions of linux

Keywords: vsftp restrict directory browsing
RedHat restrict FTP directory

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