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(links)-> vtiger crm links + info submited by Russell Sat 18 Apr 09
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How to enable import/export tools for non admin users: Took me a while but I found this here The trick is to edit profiles (every user has a profile ) there you can click a check box to enable or disable importing or exporting of leads (or any other category) The link given tells you to create a new profile, but all you really need to do is edit the profile type of the users you want to have the ability to access the import and export tools ( and buttons on the toolbar) If you want just some specific users to have the ability to import or export leads, then you should create a new profile with the checkbox set for import and export. Then create a new role (Vice president,Sales Manager etc) then select the new (import enabled) profile for this new role. Then you can assign this role ( with import enabled) to just those users that you want to be able to do this.

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