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(blogware)-> static pages submited by Russell Fri 17 Jun 05
Edited Thu 12 Jan 06
Web kangry.com
I made a change today so that all the comments on this site can be viewed as static pages. ( full list here ) the main reason for doing this is that I have noticed that while yahoo will link people directly to comments google seems willing only to link people to the "topics" pages. I made this change baised on the assumtion that it is the ?index=xxyy that google choses to ignore. By using a directoy of static pages, google gets a simple url that it can use to link to for each comment. I am curious to see if this changes the type of links that I am getting.

so far I have only provided links to the static page from this comment and the "search.php" function.

The pages in static are actually not static at all, they are symlinks which load the same "viewcomment.php" page that the dynamic pages use. ( the filename is used in the absence of "index=xxyy"

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