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(catalina22)-> (Parent)->Possible destinations submited by Russell Mon 25 Jul 05
Edited Thu 12 Jan 06
Web kangry.com
Destination A: Remains of the D&H canal, ( Kingston NY, walkill river)
Possible Dam
Same spot via MSN, actually it looks more like a waterfall
Destination B: Hackensack River
Possible dam If it isn't a dam, it's a birdge with really narrow supports. I thinks this is FDU on the west bank.
If that is passible. then perhaps we can make Oradell Resivor Dam Much of what is south of this looks unpassable to all but the smallest of boats.
Destination C: Dundee dam (Passaic River)
A dam and a canal on the Passaic river
Morris Canal Locks and Planes
Dundee canal same area as shown in the google map. The low quality map here is oriented with East on the top.
Sounds like it isn't passable any more:Most of the canal was buried under the freeway.
NJ canals
South Entrance to the Dundee Canal ( what remains) Note the street name "canal st"
Destination D:
Rapids and a canal with a lock on the Raritan river
a a bridge of the D&R canal over a river it's too far to travel but still an interesting spot.
nj canal society
D and R canal state park Boaters must portage at the locks and at some bridges. Only electric motors may be used on the canal.
easternn entrance to the D&R canal
