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(links)-> Fight back against the spammers submited by Russell Wed 07 Dec 05
Web kangry.com
lad vampire Sets up a javascript page that sucks data from spammers websites. (the intention is to suck more bandwith than they can afford and have to shut down.
  • It's an interesting idea, although it's clearly vigiantism. It's not new, Lycos has such a site, that ran as a screen saver up for a short wile. But just as word spread about it, the site was taken down for legal concerns.
  • The main concern is that you have to trust whoever vetted the list to declare these people spammers. How do you know it's not a rival or somebody with a grudge aginst a legimate company.
  • The other issue is that this misses the point. it's like the drug war, taking drugs from dealers, just raises the price, (and the profit margin) it doesn't address the demand for the drugs. To end spam, people need to not buy it. Not even 0.01% . ( I've seen statistics that imply spammers only need that kind of responce rate to make money) So long as some people fall for it, the spammers will continue to have an incentive to do it. Tricks like this, just raise the cost of the spammers business, unless we can drive it way over the revinue, the spammers will continue to solder on.
from digg

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