uname -a ## displays kernel version information
uname -p ## displays CPU type
linux command to know about CPU speed:
(also)determine CPU speed Redhat command:
linux commands show cpu speed
cat /proc/cpuinfo ## displays more detailed info on the CPU( Intel/AMD,
model (athon,celeron,pentium etc. ) speed,
cache size, etc. )
command to know the physical memory in linux:
cat /proc/meminfo ## displays details about memory inluding MemTotal,
MemFree, SwapTotal, SwapFree etc...
much of the same information is also displayed by
the top command
(RHEL linux show ip address command)
/sbin/ifconfig ## displays current IP addresses and settings.
These commands should work in any verson of fedora core (FC1, FC2,FC3,FC4 ) as
well as all versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux ( RHEL 1, RHEL 2, RHEL 3, RHEL 4). Probably lots of other versions of linux as well.
Using Top More Efficiently Notes on Linux's Top command, terms are defigned on page 3
other relevant hits:
fedora, linux, commands, display, ip