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(DVRSETUP1)-> the saga contiues submited by Russell Sat 29 Jan 05
Web kangry.com
Aug 9,2003
The saga continues
mostly for fear of breaking a working system to replace with non working system, I got a new video card.
first I got the PinnaclePCTV Pro
but then I read here that the newer version has un-supported tuner. so since I did not want suffer with that, I grabbed a ATV TV WONDER VE on the way home.
Coupled with my existing Hauppage WinTV-PVR I was sure that I would be able to get atleast one working on the new Mother board.

problems with the PinnaclePCTV Pro
even though the btaudio device sees it. I am must record audio with a cable plugged from audio out of the capture card into the line in.
The card does tune to a channel above 31 (us-cable) wtf ??

but the version of the bttv driver that ships in redhat 9.0 sees the card and I can view and record television with it.

No channels above 31 (us cable)
No audio direct from card (must use cable to sound card)

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