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(links)-> Cluster Knoppix,openMosix submited by Russell Tue 07 Jun 05
Edited Mon 10 Apr 06
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Cluster Knoppix This is cool live CD that lets you boot a cluster of computers as one super computer w/o reconfigureing the computers involved. I did this a while ago and I found that it did in fact work, but I had two problems.
  • It has massive memory needs
  • I didn't have a need for a supercomputer, and unless you have a multi threaded computational task, you are going to be better off just getting faster workstation.
Cluster knoppix torrent (version 3.6) (magnet url) ( open this link with azureus, it will handle the rest)
This torrent is trackerless, so you need to open it with a DHT enabled client like azureus.

openMosixWiki Other Notes and info on openMosix
Gnu Queue: Linux Clustering Made Easy[linux jornal]

What's the default root password under Knoppix?
Also: knoppix 2.4.20 root password default faq
It turns out there is none. Info on that link goes over how to set it. Once you have done that, you can use it to login to the ClusterKnoppix/Knoppix booted system from another computer/location.

ParallelKnoppix (PK) I have not yet downloaded and tested this
Building a Linux supercomputer using SSH and PVM
