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(misc)-> Optimum Online Bandwidth Capping submited by Russell Thu 18 May 06
Edited Fri 08 Jul 11
Web kangry.com
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May 18,2006 ( Optimum online gives me an anniversary present)
Optimum Online Bandwidth Capping[Wikipedia]
June 15,2006

Capping occurred , not during the spikes, but during the time of minimal to no uploading around noon. This image was captured within an hour of the capping.
June 2007
A year passes and they still refuse to change. I was asked to look into Cablevision's Optimum Online service for the office and I called about this. The sales rep. Tried to tell me that the New Static IP service is not as restricted as the other services. When I started asking specific questions. ("Is there a bandwidth limit on port 80, as I have read that there is?" ) He transferred me to a tech, who when pressed told me that :
The Bandwidth Capping Policy is the same for business and residential customers
At the time the Tech support guy said this I was on a three way call with a sales rep. The Sales Rep. Replied "I didn't know that". .... So they aren't even honest with their own employees. How can the employees be expected to deal with honestly and integrity to the customers if they too, are kept in the dark. Also note, this comment from the Optimum Online Tech. Support Representative is Still Consistent with the details on the Wikipedia page.

How they don't get sued for false advertising when they claim to offer a "business class" service that is the same as the hobbled service they sell to home users continues to puzzle me.

How do we go about starting a class action lawsuit against cablevison?

page was hacked ?? 2011-04-10 ?? Restored valid content from the internet archive
